
My nephew has epilepsy and during an attack, he bites people, his body twitches, and he cannot control himself. When he’s normal, he is no different from others. I want to know the best method for treating epilepsy and its effectiveness.


Hello, patients with epilepsy need to persistently adhere to treatment; incorrect discontinuation, reduction, or missed doses of medication may lead to worsening of the condition. Western medicine can suppress seizures, but it has significant side effects and long-term use may affect the liver, kidneys, and brain, leading to drug resistance and dependence. Consider stem cell activation therapy, minimally invasive intervention, which can cure epilepsy without the need for craniotomy. Dietarily, it is advisable to consume more acidic foods such as peanuts, walnuts, pork, fish, and shrimp, which are beneficial for neurotransmitter synthesis. Also, consume moderate amounts of foods rich in manganese such as soybeans, wheat, and lentils to prevent epilepsy attacks. Wishing him a speedy recovery.