
Since July 2012, Grandma has been suffering from the Sequelae of facial palsy. Her symptoms include incomplete eyelid closure, difficulty in furrowing her brows, air leakage when blowing up cheeks, and a noticeable crooked smile when laughing. There are also twitching around her eyes. Although she has undergone acupuncture for over a year and taken a large amount of traditional Chinese medicine, the results have been unsatisfactory. How should she be treated?


Based on the description, the facial palsy may require oral medication for nerve nutrition, such as pyridoxine and vitamin B12, and can receive treatments such as acupuncture and facial scraping in the Traditional Chinese Medicine department. Suggestions:

  • Pay attention to facial warmth during treatment, avoid cold exposure, and wear a mask when going out.
  • Regional heat therapy and massage can be performed.
  • Wishing for a speedy recovery.