
What are the treatment methods for facial paralysis? How should I treat it? How long will the treatment take approximately?


Facial paralysis, commonly referred to as neuritis, is often called facial paralysis, mouth distortion, or drooping wind. When you have facial paralysis, you should actively seek medical help as soon as possible to provide the best diagnosis and treatment opportunities for your doctor. Whether you seek medical attention promptly can directly affect the prognosis of facial paralysis. It is recommended to choose large hospitals, specialized hospitals, or doctors with experience for treatment. Recommended doctors include traditional Chinese medicine practitioners (especially those skilled in neurology and acupuncture), neurologists, and otolaryngologists. If there are no such specialists in your area, you can receive preliminary treatment in the internal medicine or acupuncture department. However, if there is no obvious improvement in treatment within a month, you should immediately consult with the aforementioned specialists for further treatment.