
“What are the dietary restrictions for temporal lobe epilepsy patients?”


“To maintain health and care for epilepsy, it is important to control fluid intake. Some epilepsy patients may experience the condition during urinary retention, possibly due to excessive water consumption, leading to overfilled bladders and subsequent strong electrical impulses, causing abnormal discharge of neurons. Therefore, epilepsy could be triggered by overhydration.

  1. Increasing the consumption of acidic foods and reducing salt intake are dietary measures for epilepsy care and management. Acidic foods contain a wealth of vitamins essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Temporal lobe epilepsy patients often lack neurotransmitters, which can be supplemented through these foods. Foods rich in acidic substances include various poultry meats, fish, shrimp, walnuts, peanuts, eggs, and more.
  2. Epilepsy care can also involve increasing the intake of legumes and grain foods. Temporal lobe epilepsy patients often have low levels of serum manganese in their bodies and lack the phosphatase substances required for normal brain cells. Legumes and grain foods contain manganese and can supplement these trace elements. Foods like sprouts, soybeans, whole wheat, and bean skins can be consumed more frequently.”