
My aunt, in her late thirties, finally had a child after much difficulty. However, when the child was just one year old, it was discovered that they had cerebral palsy. While it’s not realistic to completely cure cerebral palsy, it can be approached to reach near-normal human levels. Due to the limitations of current medical technology, medication can only serve as an auxiliary treatment. Comprehensive treatments such as recovery training and massage are crucial. Stem cell transplantation therapy is also used in the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy, but at the current level of medical science, complete cure is not realistic. Through comprehensive treatment, the quality of life for the affected child can be improved, allowing them to approach the level of normal humans.


The treatment for pediatric cerebral palsy mainly involves recovery training and comprehensive treatments such as massage, supplemented by medication. Stem cell transplantation therapy is also employed in treating pediatric cerebral palsy. However, with the current limitations of medical science, complete cure is not feasible. Through comprehensive treatment, the quality of life for the affected child can be enhanced, bringing them closer to the level of normal individuals.