
My daughter is 3 years old. Initially, she said she felt pain when swallowing, and I noticed she had a slight cough and low-grade fever. How should I treat her tonsillitis and fever?


It is recommended that parents choose suitable antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications for their child under a doctor’s guidance to effectively alleviate inflammation symptoms. Regional rinsing or spraying, as well as intratonsillar injections of symptomatic medications, are also effective options. If the sore throat is severe, some painkillers can be administered. If the child still has a fever, fever reducers can be considered. However, if the fever persists, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. In addition to these medication treatment methods, if the child experiences recurrent tonsillitis, surgical treatment may be recommended. During this period, make sure the child gets sufficient rest and consumes a balanced diet of vegetables and fruits.