
Can children with epilepsy eat potatoes?


Epilepsy patients should avoid alcohol, smoking, and staying up late, and keep away from hot and spicy foods. Maintain a calm demeanor, exercise regularly to strengthen the body, reduce the risk of colds. Dietarily, it is best to keep meals light, reduce the intake of red meat, especially pork (fat should be completely avoided), and consume foods rich in vitamins B and C, such as fresh vegetables and minerals, lecithin-rich foods like apricots, bananas, grapes, oranges, seaweed, fish, egg yolks, and kale. Corn, brown rice, whole wheat, soybeans, garlic, mushrooms, yeast, milk, animal liver, sardines, lean meat are also beneficial for the brain. Engage in moderate exercise, avoid overexertion, maintain a regular lifestyle, avoid getting angry, and reduce stress. Seek active treatment and be mindful of computer and television usage time, avoiding excessive duration.