
The baby is suffering from limb convulsions, turning the eyes to the left, followed by coma. Is it epilepsy?


Hello! Based on the description, it is considered a possible epilepsy seizure. It is recommended that the patient go to a regular epilepsy department in a hospital for a 24-hour EEG examination to further investigate the cause and treat accordingly. Do not take medication blindly to avoid delaying the treatment of the condition.


The baby is suffering from limb convulsions, turning the eyes to the left, followed by coma. Is it epilepsy?


Hello! Based on the description, it is suspected to be an epilepsy seizure. It is suggested that the patient go to the epilepsy department of a regular hospital as soon as possible for a 24-hour EEG examination to further determine the cause and receive symptomatic treatment. Do not take medication blindly to avoid delaying the treatment of the condition.


Baby with Limb Convulsions, Eyes Turning Left, Followed by Coma: Is It Epilepsy?


Hello! Based on the description, it is considered an epilepsy seizure. It is recommended that the patient go to a regular epilepsy department in a hospital for a 24-hour EEG examination to further investigate the cause and treat accordingly. Do not take medication blindly to avoid delaying the treatment of the condition.


Pediatric Disease: Baby Suffers from Limb Convulsions, Eyes Turning Left, Followed by Coma: Is It Epilepsy?


Hello! Based on the description, it is considered an epilepsy seizure. It is recommended that the patient go to a regular epilepsy department in a hospital for a 24-hour EEG examination to further investigate the cause and treat accordingly. Do not take medication blindly to avoid delaying the treatment of the condition.