
An 11-month-old baby has been diagnosed with epilepsy and cerebral palsy, with the main symptom being left-sided hemiparesis. After three months of medication, the frequency of seizure symptoms has decreased, and the baby can emit laughter when entertained, sometimes shouting or making sounds resembling attempts to speak. The eyes can track objects 180 degrees, and the baby can walk with adult support. The left hand does not hold objects, but occasionally tries to pick up items.


Based on the description, the baby’s condition appears to be epilepsy. Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction disease that usually requires long-term antiepileptic medication to control the condition. If there are no seizures for two years consecutively, consideration can be given to gradually reducing medication until discontinuation. The doctor advises continued observation and treatment, as the baby still has the opportunity to learn to speak and walk.