
A 12-year-old child has been diagnosed with epilepsy since six years ago and has shown obvious delays in cognitive development, similar to intellectual disability.


Hello, epilepsy is a common neurological disorder defined as a chronic condition characterized by sudden and abnormal discharge of neurons in the brain, causing short-term brain dysfunction. In children, the incidence rate of epilepsy is high, with significant impact, and has always been a focus of concern for parents, worrying about their children contracting the disease. If not detected and treated in time, epilepsy can cause greater harm to children. Advice and Suggestions: Children are the hope of parents throughout their lives, and therefore, they should be given full attention. When children exhibit symptoms or suspected symptoms of epilepsy, they should be taken to the hospital for treatment immediately. During the treatment process, parents should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, setting a good example for their children to overcome the disease. In addition, treatment must be strictly adhered to, following medical instructions strictly to avoid blind treatment. This can lead to missing the best treatment opportunity and causing regret to the child. Lastly, wish you a happy life.