
My child is nine years old and had a sudden fit of convulsions at around 9 pm one night. After examination, an EEG confirmed it was mild epilepsy. I’ve heard that your hospital can cure epilepsy through surgery, and I would like to know the cure rate.


It is recommended to use traditional Chinese medicine ingredients such as Tianma, Hu Po, Ling Yang Jiao, She Xiang, Chai Hu, Gui Zhi, Shi Chang Pu, Qing Yang Shen, Bai Jiang Zhu, Gou Teng, Yang Tan Cao, Zhu Zhu Mu, Tie Dan Fen, Long Ji Cao, and Gan Cao for treatment. They are effective and have a quick onset of action. Many patients who have been cured no longer have relapses. These traditional Chinese herbs have the functions of reinforcing the body’s resistance and removing pathogenic factors, calming the mind and tranquilizing the spirit, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, removing dampness and resolving phlegm, awakening the brain and opening orifices, strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi, and nourishing essence and marrow. They fundamentally regulate organ functions and are the most effective medicine for completely curing this difficult disease of epilepsy. The active ingredients of these herbs are easily permeable through the blood-brain barrier, directly attacking the core tissue of the lesion, inhibiting abnormal discharge of brain cells, quickly competing and inhibiting neurotransmitter receptors, and simultaneously repairing damaged brain nerve cells. This fundamentally cures the stubborn disease of epilepsy seizures and successfully breaks through the previous treatment methods that could only control but not eradicate the root cause.