
An 11-year-old boy recently discovered symptoms of tonsillitis, including throat pain, mild cough, slight fever, and fatigue. As a parent, I want to know what I can feed him to boost his appetite while he is being treated, to help him recover?


When a child has tonsillitis, in addition to timely medical treatment, daily diet also plays a significant role. Here are some suggestions that can help boost immunity and improve appetite:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits and green vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and minerals, aiding in enhancing immunity and anti-inflammatory properties. Particularly, the peel of tangerines contains vitamin C with excellent anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Easy-to-swallow foods: Choose foods that are easy to swallow and digest, such as congee, which can alleviate throat discomfort while providing the body with necessary nutrients.
  • Light diet: Avoid eating overly greasy or irritating foods and reduce the intake of irritants such as eggs, donkey meat, and beef or mutton.
  • Good habits: Help children develop regular lifestyle habits including regular sleep schedules and moderate exercise to enhance immunity and reduce the incidence of diseases. Parents can adjust their child’s diet according to these suggestions and combine it with appropriate treatment to help him recover quickly and regain health and vitality.