Detailed illness and consultation purpose: Sudden fever and vomiting Duration of onset and continuation: 14 hours Current general condition: Fever has subsided, but the child is restless at night. Some anti-anxiety medication has been taken, and the fever can be effectively controlled with Anruike.
Based on the parent’s description, the child may have experienced a frightening event, which subsequently led to the onset of fever and vomiting. Typically, children may experience physical reactions due to emotional excitement or fright, which can trigger a fever. It is recommended that parents, while administering anti-anxiety medication to their child, also monitor their condition closely. If the fever persists or worsens, consider seeking medical attention promptly. In terms of home care, appropriate fever-reducing measures can be taken, such as maintaining good indoor air circulation, ensuring the child drinks plenty of water, and using physical cooling methods like wiping the body with warm water. If the child shows signs of dehydration, fluids should be replenished immediately. Additionally, parents should keep a record of their child’s symptoms and treatment progress for the doctor’s reference. If the child’s condition does not improve or other severe symptoms appear, medical attention should be sought immediately.