
A child’s milk intake is relatively low, averaging about 60 milliliters per feeding, with intervals of 5 hours or more. Although thyroid function (T3, T4) is normal, the TSH level is 5.06. Parents are inquiring about whether the child’s development is normal.


Typically, infants may go through a period of aversion to milk where they may lose interest in feeding. This phase can vary from person to person, lasting from 1-2 weeks to half a year. During this time, parents should not force their child to eat. They can try giving the child some water, fruit juice, or vegetable water for mixed feeding. Generally, children will gradually regain their normal appetite. If there is no recovery in a short period of time, there is no need to be overly concerned. As long as the child does not have physical discomfort and maintains a good mental state, there is no need to worry excessively.