
The child is currently 111 centimeters tall and weighs 20 kilograms. At the age of three, they were 98 centimeters tall. This year, the growth has been particularly slow, and they are significantly shorter than their peers in the kindergarten big class. They eat well, but they go to bed late at night, around 10 PM. The parents have average heights (164 and 175 centimeters). Could it be that sleep issues are affecting their height? Do they need to see a doctor?


Height growth in children is closely related to bone development. Regular physical exercise can improve blood circulation, increase nutrient absorption, enhance the growth capacity of bone cells, and promote bone growth and strengthening. Effective exercises include the horizontal bar, jumping, swimming, rings, free gymnastics, basketball, and pull-ups. These exercises can stretch tendons and ligaments, stimulate cartilage growth, and promote height increase. Swimming can fully stretch the body, while pull-ups can stretch the spine, promoting spinal bone growth and thereby facilitating the child’s height growth.