
A four-year-old girl has a fever accompanied by a red face at night, asking whether she lacks nutrients and how to enhance her immunity.


Fever with a red face is normal and should be actively treated with cooling treatment (temperature reduction therapy). At the same time, the possibility of allergies should be ruled out. To enhance immunity, first, it’s important to minimize contact with pathogens. Next, dietary nutrition and appropriate exercise can help strengthen a child’s immunity. Doctors often recommend consuming beta-carotene as it can boost the body’s resistance to diseases, particularly against infectious diseases. Beta-carotene is also a potent antioxidant that can effectively remove harmful substances from the body. It’s important to note that beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and can be converted into vitamin A within the body. Adequate vitamin A can prevent night blindness and dry eye disease, and it can also strengthen the respiratory epithelial cells’ resistance to pathogens, preventing respiratory infections. Encouraging children to consume foods rich in beta-carotene, such as breast milk or infant formula containing beta-carotene, will greatly help in enhancing their immunity.