
After the baby was born, a green bean-sized flesh-like mass was found at the vaginal opening. I consulted a gynecologist, who said it was a small hymen prolapse caused by excessive estrogen secretion during pregnancy. But my daughter is now 11 months old, and it hasn’t improved. Some doctors say it’s a vaginal malformation that requires surgery. I would like to ask, how serious is the hymen prolapse, what causes it, and whether surgery is needed.


Based on your description, the flesh-like mass appearing at the vaginal opening after birth may be a hymen prolapse, which usually resolves spontaneously with age. If you are concerned about your daughter’s condition, it is recommended that you take her to a regular hospital for pediatric gynecology for re-diagnosis and treatment. As for whether surgery is needed, this can only be determined after a professional examination and assessment by the doctor.