How can Rh hemolytic disease be prevented? If Rh hemolytic disease has occurred, how can one ensure the next baby is healthy?
For Rh-negative pregnant women whose partners are Rh-positive, it is important to strengthen family planning and prenatal check-ups. If the pregnant woman is already pregnant, prenatal examinations can help predict the intensity of the anti-Rh immune response and may require induction surgery at an appropriate time to reduce the risk of fetal death due to hemolytic disease. Additionally, administering RhIgG immunoglobulin intramuscularly to the mother within 72 hours after delivery can destroy the Rh-positive fetal red blood cells in the blood, reducing the occurrence of Rh immunity. A routine injection of RhIg at 28 weeks of gestation can also help prevent or mitigate the mother’s immune response.