
An 8-year-old boy has been running a fever for four days, with a high fever of 38 degrees during the first day and his temperature rising to 38 degrees in the night from the second day onwards, while normally being 37 degrees during the day. He is currently being treated with a drug called Nuomi, but he is unsure how to handle it. Blood tests show W-MCR of 0.123, W-LCR of 0.451, and MPV of 9.0. The doctor diagnosed it as viral influenza.


If the fever exceeds 38.5 degrees, antipyretic medication should be used to prevent high fever seizures. If accompanied by coughing, vomiting, or lack of energy, immediate medical attention is required. The recurrence of fever is due to the body mobilizing the immune system to clear the virus after infection; moderate fever is a normal response of the body to fighting off viruses. Parents should not expect doctors to use a ‘miracle drug’ to stop the fever from occurring. During the fever period, parents should ensure their child drinks plenty of water and gets adequate rest. If they feel uncomfortable with a higher body temperature, they should take antipyretic medication promptly.