
It seems that my child enjoys scratching their genital area and has recently started doing so. I haven’t sought treatment before, and I’m wondering if this is a sign of precocious puberty. Should I be concerned?


Firstly, parents should avoid directly pointing out their child’s scratching behavior and should not punish or scold them for it. This can lead to anxiety and fear in the child, potentially developing traits such as shyness, sensitivity, inferiority, or isolation. When you notice your child engaging in this behavior, try to distract them by giving them toys, telling stories, or playing games together to help them break the habit. Secondly, encourage your child to participate in various outdoor activities and sports to cultivate their interests and channel their energy into positive activities. Thirdly, emphasize good hygiene practices for the genital area by cleaning it before bed every night to prevent infections. If you notice any unusual reactions, seek medical advice promptly. Fourthly, cultivate a good sleep routine for your child to ensure they go to bed when tired. Finally, use fun activities to distract your child and establish a strong family relationship through more family activities. This will help prevent them from scratching their genitals. Wishing your child a healthy growth!