
My baby is eight months old and weighs only about 15 jin. Is this normal? The baby sleeps shallowly; is there a problem? How can I improve the situation: The baby’s complexion is good, but he doesn’t gain weight well. He is breastfed but not sufficiently. What should I do?


An average 8-month-old male baby weighs about 9.14 kilograms, and a female baby about 8.62 kilograms. The baby’s current weight is at the lower end of the normal range. For an 8-month-old, it is generally recommended to have three milk feedings and two solid meals a day. The first milk feeding in the morning should be about 180 milliliters, with breakfast including egg custard, vegetable puree, bread or porridge, and meat puree. Around 10 o’clock, offer fruit. The midday milk feeding should be about 180 milliliters. In the afternoon, you can provide fruit or yogurt. For dinner, you can offer mashed noodles, vegetables, minced meat, or dumplings. Around 8 p.m., give the last milk feeding of the day. The dietary principle is that an 8-month-old baby can effectively digest protein and can appropriately increase protein-rich foods such as tofu, dairy products, fish, and minced lean meat. Please note—that when introducing new solid foods, they should be added gradually to ensure one food is safe before introducing another. If there are adverse reactions, stop immediately. When introducing new foods, do so before changing the baby’s diaper; eat the solid food first before changing the diaper. It is recommended that parents pay more attention to the baby’s nutrition and try giving the baby bovine colostrum, such as Soul Sunlight bovine colostrum, which helps promote growth and development and improve intelligence. Bovine colostrum contains taurine.