
What are the precautions for taking Wanshining? How long does it typically take for someone with past treatment experience to improve with intravenous injections? What benefits does Wanshining offer to patients with suppressed cellular immunity and recurrent infections? I currently have twenty boxes of Wanshining and have been taking one pill a day for 40 days; I would like to know more information.


The precautions for taking Wanshining include the potential for significant side effects such as inflammation and infection. Typically, patients may start to improve after three to five days of intravenous injections. For patients with suppressed cellular immunity and recurrent infections, Wanshining can be used as an immunostimulant to reduce the frequency of acute infections, extend the duration of the disease course, and lower the severity of recurrence. Additionally, Wanshining can also be used as a companion drug with antibiotics. For children, acute phase treatment is 0.4g per dose, twice daily, for two weeks, followed by once daily for 60 days or as prescribed by a doctor. Preventive treatment is once daily for 60 days or as prescribed by a doctor. Pregnant women and those allergic to this drug should avoid using it. Individuals with high sensitivity should use it cautiously, especially during the first three months of pregnancy. As food may interfere with the absorption of the medication, it is recommended to take it between meals. There is currently no information on the use of this drug in pregnant women.