
After eight days of hospitalization, the child has been treated with injections of azithromycin and magnesium sulfate for five days, and symptoms such as wheezing and coughing have subsided. However, the body temperature measured under the armpit during the day is 37.3°C, and during the afternoon nap at night it is 36.9°C. Is this normal? When can the child’s body temperature completely return to normal? What are the potential side effects of the medication?


Continue with the medication and closely monitor the child. It can be attempted to give the child some riboflavin. Typically, drug side effects include gastrointestinal reactions, but some individuals may not experience them. Drink plenty of water, avoid sweet foods, cold drinks, and fatty foods. Continue to monitor the child’s body temperature; usually, medication can be stopped three days after complete recovery. If the body temperature remains elevated, some oral anti-inflammatory medication can be taken. In terms of care, ensure warmth, monitor body temperature, ensure nutrition, and drink plenty of water. The child’s current body temperature is basically normal, and azithromycin has relatively few gastrointestinal side effects. Magnesium sulfate contains magnesium ions and should not be used for a long period. Stay calm, give the child plenty of water, and maintain a normal diet. I hope this information is helpful to you.