
How can you determine if a child has a ‘fire’? The child kicks off the blanket while sleeping, sometimes needs water, and doesn’t sleep soundly. Since birth, the child has not slept soundly. Concerned about assistance: How can you tell if the child is fussy from tummy troubles or worms? What can a 21-month-old eat to ‘cool down’ the fire? Is it safe and effective?


Kicking off the blanket is normal. Here are the recommended sleep durations for children of different ages: newborns about 20 hours a day, 9-month-olds about 14-15 hours, 2-year-olds about 12.5 hours, and 7-year-olds about 11 hours. How to observe a child’s deep sleep? Here are the appropriate sleep durations and observation methods for children of different months:

  1. Newborns: About 20 hours of sleep per day, observe if the child’s sleeping posture is correct.
  2. 2-3 months: About 18 hours a day, excluding feeding and bathroom breaks, observe as above.
  3. 4-6 months: Three periods of deep sleep during the day, each about 2 hours, totaling about 6 hours, observe as above.
  4. 7-12 months: Two periods of deep sleep during the day, each about 2 hours, totaling about 4 hours, observe as above.
  5. 13-18 months: Two periods of deep sleep during the day, each about 1.5-2 hours, totaling about 3-4 hours, observe as above.
  6. 19-24 months: One period of deep sleep during the day, about 2-2.5 hours, in addition to observing the sleeping posture, also observe how the child closes their eyes, how quiet they sleep, and whether they get enough sleep.
  7. 25-30 months: One period of deep sleep during the day, about 2.5 hours, in addition to observing the sleeping posture…