
My baby wants to drink yogurt every night. What should I do? Whenever I offer milk, the child cries, and nothing seems to calm them down. They used to drink 1 to 2 bottles a night, but recently, it’s 4 to 5 bottles every night. I don’t know what’s going on. Every night, I ask the kindergarten teacher if they’ve eaten too much salt, and the teacher says they haven’t… Previous treatment situations…


The large amount of beneficial bacteria in yogurt can enhance a baby’s intestinal activity. After weaning, you can focus on giving your baby formula milk. The growth and development of babies between 1 and 3 years old is at its fastest pace, and a baby’s growth rate can vary significantly from month to month. Milk remains the primary source of protein for babies. Yogurt, generally made from high-quality milk, contains probiotics that can stabilize a baby’s constipation symptoms. However, the yogurt drink you mentioned is not a high-quality yogurt; it’s a lactose beverage and has become a substitute for weaning, which is beneficial for the baby’s growth and development. Lactose drinks have added ingredients and a higher sugar content, which can easily cause abdominal pain and make the baby lose interest in other nutritious foods. Gradually correct this mistake by giving your baby formula milk, providing complementary foods, and helping the baby grow strong and healthy.