
My child has recently been reluctant to drink formula milk, and today in the afternoon, they started vomiting. They haven’t had much appetite recently, and today in the afternoon, they began to dry heave, followed by vomiting two or three times. Even after drinking water, they vomited, and the same happened after eating milk. What can I do to help?


Vomiting is one of the common symptoms in children, not only causing discomfort but also potentially affecting bowel movements, causing concern for parents. Parents should initially determine the cause of the vomiting. Common causes include: 1. Improper eating or defecation; 2. Abnormal absorption function; 3. Gastrointestinal infectious diseases; 4. Neurological diseases; 5. Psychological factors; 6. Poisoning; 7. Others. After understanding these causes, parents can make judgments based on their child’s symptoms to avoid being caught off guard when faced with vomiting.