
A four-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea for two weeks. The baby has had a stool test at the hospital, and the result was yellow, loose stools. The doctor prescribed medication for pediatric diarrhea, but the baby showed no improvement after taking it. How should the treatment be approached?


Consider conducting a stool test to clearly diagnose whether the condition is due to infantile indigestion, enteritis, or intestinal dysfunction caused by fever. If it’s indigestion, it’s recommended to take Simethicone and Mamylove, and apply Dinggui Ernavita patches on the navel for treatment; if necessary, hospital pediatric care can be sought for intravenous treatment. Shorten the interval between changing diapers. Increase fluid intake. If the diarrhea is caused by enteritis, it’s suggested to use Ampicillin for intravenous anti-inflammatory treatment. Prevent dehydration. If there is a fever, oral ibuprofen suspension can be taken for fever reduction.