
A three-year-old boy is experiencing swallowing pain, accompanied by mild coughing and persistent high fever. How should throat pain caused by pediatric tonsillitis be treated to achieve good results?


The primary treatment for pediatric tonsillitis involves the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Parents should choose the appropriate medication based on the condition. In addition, regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intralesional injections, and laser therapy are also effective treatment methods. If the child’s throat pain symptoms are severe, painkillers can be used to relieve discomfort. When fever is present, appropriate cooling methods should be chosen based on body temperature; physical cooling can be used if the temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, while oral fever-reducing medication can be considered if the temperature is above 38.5 degrees Celsius. If a child frequently experiences tonsillitis, surgical treatment may be considered after the condition is controlled to avoid recurrent episodes. During treatment, it is important to maintain warmth and avoid…