
The 8-month-old baby has been diagnosed with a cytomegalovirus infection after examination. Recently, the baby has had a fever ranging from 37.2 to 38 degrees Celsius, with reduced sleep time and crying during the fever. No other symptoms are present. Urinalysis shows a CMV-DNA value of 1.86X10^5. What kind of assistance is needed?


Cytomegalovirus is a herpesvirus group DNA virus that is widely present in various animals, capable of causing infections in various systems such as the perinatal urinary system, central nervous system, and liver, ranging from mild asymptomatic infections to severe complications or life-threatening diseases. Generally, ganciclovir DHPG can be used to prevent the spread of CMV. When combined with high-titer anti-CMV immunoglobulins, it can reduce the mortality rate of CMV pneumonia following bone marrow transplantation. For CMV infections resistant to ganciclovir, sodium phosphonoacetate can be used for treatment, although its effectiveness is not as good as the former. abroad is developing a CMV live vaccine that can induce the production of antibodies, but the potential carcinogenicity of the vaccine remains to be resolved. The above suggestions are for the question “An 8-month-old baby has been diagnosed with cytomegalovirus,” hoping it will be helpful to you, and wish you good health.