
My child is well dressed for winter, yet they still have cold hands and feet. My one-and-a-half-year-old has been experiencing cold hands and feet in winter, with no details about past treatments or outcomes. I want to know how to treat this, whether the child is lacking certain nutrients, and if these can be supplemented through food?


The baby has a kidney-yang deficiency constitution. Symptoms of kidney-yang deficiency typically include: aversion to cold, cold hands and feet (severe cases can also be cold in summer), lack of vitality, soreness in the lower back and knees, shortness of breath, coughing with phlegm and wheezing, spontaneous sweating, decreased appetite, excessive dreaming, back pain, joint pain, decreased hearing, vomiting or constipation in the early morning.

  • Red Jujube Dog Meat Soup: 500 grams of red jujube, six-angle atractylodes, fennel seed, dried tangerine peel, cassia bark, star anise, fresh ginger, and an appropriate amount of salt. Boil with slow heat, remove the medicine residue, and eat the meat.
  • Dog Meat Stewed Black Beans: 250 grams of dog meat, 50 grams of black beans, add enough salt, ginger, five-spice powder, and sugar. Simmer in a clay pot over low heat for consumption.
  • Mutton and Kidney Porridge: 100 grams of mutton, one pair of sheep kidneys, 10 grams of Chinese wolfberry. Boil the Chinese wolfberry to make a decoction. Cut the mutton and kidneys into pieces and cook with the pork and decoction together into porridge. Season with salt before eating.
  • Kidney Soup: