
What are the causes of white gums in newborns, and how can they be treated and prevented?


White spots on a newborn’s gum may be due to fungal infections in the mouth, a common occurrence in infants. Mild cases might only present with a few white spots on the tongue or inside the mouth without any other symptoms. Severe cases, however, can be accompanied by symptoms such as restlessness, crying, refusal to eat, drooling, and even low-grade fever. Treating fungal infections can be challenging, so it is recommended to use antifungal medications under a doctor’s guidance. Some traditional Chinese medicine formulas can also be used for localized treatment, but these should only be used under the supervision of a professional doctor. At home, parents should ensure that the baby’s feeding utensils are clean and disinfected, with at least 20-30 minutes of disinfection daily. Additionally, strengthening the baby’s nutrition can help boost their immunity. For babies with the condition, parents should avoid wiping the white spots in the mouth to prevent damage to the mucous membrane. If the mother has hand, foot, and mouth disease, special attention should be paid to not touching the baby’s diaper changing items and her nipples. In some cases, breastfeeding may need to be temporarily suspended. These are suggestions for dealing with “what to do about white gums in newborns.” We hope this information is helpful to you and your baby. Wishing you both health!