
How to permanently cure chronic pharyngitis? I have taken many medications, but the condition remains the same. It often causes stomach upset and can trigger rhinitis. What were the previous treatment methods and their effects?


Chronic pharyngitis is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, typically presenting with symptoms such as a sensation of something stuck in the throat, pain, burning, dryness, and more. Patients may have taken medications such as ceftriaxone, suprax, shuanghuanglian, and granules of pharyngeal fritillary, but the results have been unsatisfactory, and side effects like diarrhea may occur. Additionally, chronic pharyngitis may lead to complications such as rhinitis. In treatment, one can try traditional Chinese medicine formulas like ophiopogon, scutellaria baicalensis, lonicera japonica, actinidia arguta, platycodon grandiflorus, and licorice root to be brewed into tea for drinking. Take one dose daily, sipping slowly to achieve effects like nourishing yin and clearing heat, moistening the lungs and calming the heart, and lowering gas and cooling blood.