
The child has been suffering from high fever for four days, accompanied by diarrhea. What foods can be eaten to help the child recover?


After examination, it was confirmed that the child’s high fever was caused by a viral infection. The child has a history of seeking medical treatment for fevers in the past. The doctor diagnosed it as a common fever and provided medication to reduce the fever. At three and a half months old, the child started teething. Now, we need to understand how to assist the child’s recovery through diet. Since children are not yet fully capable of regulating their body temperature and have delicate skin, they are prone to diseases and their condition can change rapidly. They often have complex symptoms such as excessive phlegm, indigestion, and excessive fright. The treatment can be divided into two basic types: cold and heat. In the treatment of children, it is advisable to avoid using too much warm or bitter cold medicine. If there is excessive phlegm, it should be considered to open the lungs and cool the blood; if there is indigestion, then digestion should be promoted; if there is excessive fright, then tranquilizing the spirit or calming the nerves should be considered. For children with colds, many parents are eager to seek medical treatment and demand intravenous drip and the use of antibiotics. However, most early fevers are caused by viruses, and antibiotics are ineffective. Fever is the body’s response to viruses, and only when fever is accompanied by bacterial infection and blood tests show an increase in white blood cells should antibiotics be considered. Generally, for children whose body temperature does not exceed 38°C and whose blood test indicators are normal, symptomatic treatment can be taken, such as giving antiviral traditional Chinese medicine, and paying attention to rest, drinking water, and a light diet. Parents who have medication at home may give their children adult-strength cold medicine without medical advice, which is very dangerous.