
The baby has diarrhea, with watery stools 4 to 5 times a day, containing froth and milk curds. After eating half an orange on the morning of January 15th, the baby started to have loose stools. Three days later, the baby had a low fever. The daily diet includes mixed milk and rice porridge, and there has been a history of vomiting.


Many pediatric inpatients experience this kind of symptom, which is usually not related to diet. It is often caused by intestinal virus infection. It is best to avoid regular formula milk when nausea and vomiting have not improved, and choose lactose-free formula milk or dilute regular formula milk. The treatment for nausea and vomiting requires a process; if symptoms are severe, it is recommended to be hospitalized. If the amount of fluid replacement in outpatients is insufficient, the child’s recovery will be slow. Generally, hospitalization will show significant improvement after 7 to 10 days, which is related to the child’s constitution. The key is to do a good job of care, prevent catching a cold and fever, and avoid secondary bacterial infection. For simple viral infections, after correcting dehydration, it is self-limiting.