
The child has been like this for several days, still sneezing, not very energetic, eating less, having restless naps, more frequent urination, and loose stools since taking medication. Treatment was administered on January 26th, including an intravenous drip and some injections, but the effects were not significant.


Sneezing could be caused by an upper respiratory infection. It is recommended to use erythromycin and cough medicine for treatment, as this may yield better results. You can make some pear water for the child to drink, which has a lung-clearing effect. Once the cough subsides, the child should sleep more soundly. Pay attention to staying warm, avoid catching a cold, drink plenty of water, and avoid spicy foods. These are the suggestions for the question ‘What to Do When a 1-Year-Old Coughs and Sneezes,’ hoping they are helpful to you. Wishing you good health!