
My child has been running a high fever for 4 days, with temperatures around 38 degrees Celsius at times. They are not feeling well, showing signs of fatigue and wanting to sleep. There is no coughing when they have a fever, but they do cough when they are not feverish. There is a lot of phlegm, which was initially thick but has become thinner. They have a runny nose and are crying frequently, with their under eyes looking blue and their complexion pale. They have lost their appetite.


The child may have wind-cold type cold. It is suggested to try drinking ginger soup. Preparation: 5 sections of scallion whites, 9 grams of light soybean paste, and 3 slices of ginger. Boil and drink the decoction once a day. Alternatively, you can use 30 grams of ginger and 30 grams of brown sugar to make the decoction and take it in three servings. Western medicine suggests drinking plenty of water, eating a light diet, and drinking carrot or pear soup. For babies who are prone to fevers and have poor appetite, you can try carrot and yam porridge. Carrots and yams are both beneficial for enhancing immunity. Ingredients: 250 grams of carrots, 250 grams of yams, and 50 grams of glutinous rice. Preparation: Cut the carrots and yams into small pieces, cook the glutinous rice with water first until half-cooked, then add the carrots and yams, and cook until the porridge is done.