
A patient describes experiencing low-grade fever, cough, chest pain, phlegm, and a floating sensation throughout the body over a period of three days, from January 24th to January 26th, 2010. The patient wishes to understand the past treatment and its effectiveness.


Coughing is a protective respiratory reflex action of the body to clear respiratory secretions or foreign objects. While it has a positive aspect, prolonged severe coughing can lead to skin breakdown in the respiratory tract. It is crucial to accurately differentiate between common cough and cough variant asthma to avoid misdiagnosis. When treating coughs, it is important to choose traditional Chinese or Western medicine based on the type of cough, but dietary therapy is often considered the most ideal method. Here are several dietary therapy suggestions:

  1. Yu Zhu Porridge: 15 grams of Yu Zhu (30 grams for fresh), 50 grams of glutinous rice. Clean and chop Yu Zhu, then boil in water to make a decoction, remove the residue, and use the Yu Zhu juice to cook porridge. Take warm twice a day in the morning and evening for a week as a course of treatment.
  2. Lily Bulb Pear Syrup: 10 grams of lily bulb (20 grams for fresh), one pear, 15 grams of sugar. Slice the lily bulb and pear, mix with sugar, and steam in a bowl until done. Serve cold at once, twice a day.
  3. Peanut Glucose: 100 to 150 grams of peanuts, an appropriate amount of rock sugar. Wash peanuts clean and cook with rock sugar and water until done. Eat in three servings.
  4. Silver Ear Soup: 5 grams of silver ear, one egg, 60 grams of rock sugar, an appropriate amount of lard.