
My baby has had a cold for over a week now, with symptoms of coughing, burping, and runny nose, but no high fever. I want to know if my baby can drink chicken soup in this situation? I’ve heard that chicken soup can help treat fever. Besides chicken soup, can my baby eat eggs and fish? What should be paid attention to in terms of diet during a fever?


During the initial stages of fever, it is advisable to avoid eating extremely cold and greasy foods. If the fever is caused by a warm and cold pathogen in the early stages, one should also avoid extremely cold foods. When heat is not yet dispersed, leading to symptoms such as high fever, thirst, irritability, and constipation, fruits can be helpful; one can frequently consume pear juice, orange juice, watermelon, glutinous rice soup, mung bean soup, etc., but avoid excessive consumption of extremely cold and greasy foods. During a fever, it is best to avoid eating or overeating duck meat, pork, lamb, dog meat, eel, clam, vinegar, persimmons, and other foods.