
Can earwax around a baby’s ears be removed?


Earwax is a product secreted by the ear’s cerumen glands, which typically adheres to and expels dust and other particles that enter the ear, thereby protecting the eardrum from damage. Usually, earwax accumulates gradually, dries out, and is naturally expelled from the outer ear. At the outer ear, earwax can be removed by wiping. If the rate of earwax accumulation exceeds the rate of expulsion, professional treatment may be necessary. When cleaning a baby’s earwax, it is important to avoid using any items (including cotton swabs) to insert deeply into the ear canal, as this may damage the baby’s eardrum. Using a damp paper towel to wipe the outer ear is a safer option. If earwax accumulation is noticed, a doctor can inspect and clean it during routine check-ups. The doctor may use warm water to wash the ear canal, loosening the earwax so it can naturally drain out. For stubborn earwax, the doctor may use plastic tools (ear spoons, scrapers) for cleaning, which is a safe method. If a baby frequently accumulates earwax, the doctor will provide simple home cleaning methods.