
The inner thigh often swells and turns red, starting about two months ago, but it healed on its own without knowing the cause. However, it would swell and turn red again a few days later, and the child often scratches at it. Past treatments and effects: used potassium permanganate, Jielian, salt water for cleaning, etc….


Vulvitis refers to inflammation of the skin or mucous membrane of the external genitalia. It can be acute or chronic. Female vulvitis may be caused by various factors, including simple vulvitis, candidiasis vulvitis, infantile vulvitis, and trichomoniasis. When the vulva is inflamed, regardless of the cause, the main symptoms include itching, redness, and burning or pain.

  1. Clean the area thoroughly after bowel movements to prevent fecal contamination of the external genitalia.
  2. Clothing should be made of pure cotton to avoid causing allergic itching or irritation of the external genitalia.
  3. If there are pinworms inside the body, take appropriate deworming medication immediately to prevent itching and swelling of the vulva caused by pinworms.
  4. For women who have already been infected with gynecological inflammation, seek medical attention immediately.
  5. The basin used for washing the vulva should be dedicated and not used for other purposes.
  6. The basin should preferably be made of metal to heat the washing water with it. The towel should be placed in the water to heat it up to a boil.