
A parent inquired about how to determine if their son has an allergic, listing possible allergic symptoms such as mild eczema at two months old and frequent nasal congestion requiring regular cleaning.


Experts point out that most people have allergic reactions, and children are more prone to allergies than adults, with allergic conditions usually improving with age. The elderly and children are more susceptible to allergies due to weaker resistance and more sensitive constitutions. Allergies are caused by factors present during the embryonic stage and fetal development. A child’s allergy may be due to the mother avoiding certain foods during pregnancy, leading the child to have an allergic reaction to substances they have not been exposed to. Conversely, if various foods are consumed during pregnancy, the child may be allergic to fewer substances. Allergic actually has many advantages, such as helping to prevent cancer. For severe cases of allergies, avoiding certain foods can solve the problem, while less severe allergic symptoms can be gradually improved by continuing to consume these foods. Parents’ concerns about their child’s allergies may reflect a lack of understanding of allergic, but in reality, allergic has many benefits.