
Could a 3-month-old girl experience precocious puberty?


Generally speaking, if girls show secondary sexual characteristics before 8 years old and boys before 9 years old, it can be considered precocious puberty. Precocious puberty can be divided into true and false types. True precocious puberty not only involves the early appearance of secondary sexual characteristics but also the maturation of reproductive glands and the development of sexual functions, meaning girls may have menstrual periods and boys may have mature sperm. False precocious puberty does not involve the maturation of reproductive glands. For a 2-year-and-7-month-old daughter weighing 16 kilograms and standing at 94 centimeters tall, although she is slightly overweight, her height-to-weight ratio is normal, her intellectual development and physique are healthy, and she is lively and active, which is very good. The healthier the development, the more important it is to maintain a balanced diet and engage in physical exercise. Wishing you a prosperous Year of the Tiger! This is the suggestion for the question ‘Could a 3-month-old girl have precocious puberty?’ I hope it can be helpful to you, wishing you good health!