
The child’s constipation is severe. After taking the probiotics, they have passed three watery stools, which has been going on for five days, with the stools being thick and hard. Woke up at noon on the first day of junior high and couldn’t keep anything down, including water; however, after taking metamizole, they no longer vomited, and their spirits improved, with an improved appetite. Occasionally had dry heaves. On the 22nd evening, had diarrhea three times…


Constipation may be related to dietary habits, emotions, lifestyle routines, and diseases. Insufficient sugar intake in the diet, excessive protein, high calcium content, and insufficient dietary fiber intake may all lead to constipation. Adjust the diet by consuming enough fiber, water, and vitamin B group, maintain a cheerful mood, develop a regular bowel movement habit, and at the same time, try dietary treatments such as bean porridge, silver ear soup, etc. In addition, you can take potato juice, drink dilute salt water in the morning, and seek medical treatment in a timely manner to improve constipation conditions.