
A parent inquires about treatment methods for their child’s rhinitis caused by a viral cold. The child is experiencing symptoms including nasal congestion, lack of energy, decreased appetite, coughing, and stomachache, accompanied by a persistent low-grade fever. Since the fifth day of the New Year, the child has been receiving intravenous injections with Pioneer cephalosporin medication, but the effects have been not obvious (not obvious). The patient had a fever on the first day of the lunar New Year, and although the current symptoms have improved, further treatment advice is sought.


It is recommended to use vinegar to enhance the body’s resistance to foreign pathogens and effectively prevent the occurrence of fever. It is suggested to drink vinegar before bedtime to prevent a recurrence of fever. Vinegar can effectively clear the common cold virus from the nasopharynx. During the peak of the cold season, using vinegar for nasal drops or steam therapy in the room can effectively prevent and treat colds. During the cold season, it is best to use vinegar steam therapy 1-2 times a day.