
Coughing symptoms become particularly severe after exercise, without a fever, runny nose, and with a relatively good mental state. Appetite and food intake are poor, stools are drier, urine is darker, and the duration is longer.


Coughing is a common respiratory symptom in children, often occurring in conditions such as colds, lower respiratory tract infections, or asthma. In most cases, coughing improves gradually after antibiotic treatment. However, sometimes even after using various antibiotics and expectorants, the coughing symptoms do not subside, which may indicate cough variant asthma. This condition typically occurs at night or in the morning, worsens with activity, and produces little phlegm. Treatment suggestions include:

  1. Actively investigate allergens such as pollen, dust mites, paint dyes, etc.
  2. Avoid triggers including changes in weather, cold air, post-exercise coughing, and emotional excitement or loud crying.
  3. Strengthen the body’s immunity. In summary, the treatment for cough variant asthma is a long-term process that requires patience and confidence. Wishing patients a speedy recovery.