
Is it normal for a child to defecate every 4 to 5 days? Under normal circumstances, the urine is normal, the mental state is good, the appetite has decreased, and the weight is 20 kilograms. Since around August 2009, the child used to defecate once or twice every one to two days. However, after starting school in August, the defecation has become irregular. Past treatment and effects: No treatment received. What kind of help is needed: I want to ask…


It is essential to avoid alcohol and spicy foods, always maintain smooth and soft stools. Develop a habit of regular defecation and go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Consume more vegetables rich in fiber, eat more bananas, pears, watermelons, and other fruits to increase stool volume. Also, drink more water and less of strong stimulating drinks like tea and coffee. It is recommended to use glycerin/sodium chloride (enema) or glycerin suppositories as rectal area-specific laxatives, which are effective for chronic constipation patients. Hope this helps!