
My daughter is 7 years old. Initially, she complained of pain when swallowing, and I noticed that her coughing seemed more severe. Now, she has a persistent high fever. How should I treat her sore throat caused by tonsillitis?


Generally, for pediatric tonsillitis, it is recommended to administer symptomatic antibiotics for treatment, which is usually effective. Additionally, regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections can be good options. If the child’s throat pain is severe, appropriate painkillers can be given to alleviate the pain. If fever is present, choose a method of cooling (temperature reduction) based on the body temperature; physical cooling (temperature reduction) can be used if the temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, while oral fever-reducing medication can be taken if the temperature is above 38.5 degrees Celsius. For children with frequent acute severe attacks or those who have developed complications, it is recommended to consider tonsillectomy after the acute inflammation subsides for two weeks. Finally, I hope that parents can pay attention to this disease, take their children to the doctor for treatment as soon as possible, and also pay attention to relevant prevention and health care work in their daily lives.