
My son is 9 years old. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, and it seemed a bit difficult to swallow. He’s also been running a fever. What should I do if my child has tonsillitis, which is quite painful?


Currently, in clinical treatment of pediatric tonsillitis, antibiotics are primarily used. The choice of medication can be based on the sensitivity test of the bacteria, which is effective. Besides systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil intramuscular injection. For children with obvious sore throat symptoms, analgesic medication can be used. If the child continues to have a fever, parents should also give some antipyretic medication or take the child to the hospital immediately. In addition to these drug treatment methods, if the child frequently recurs inflammation, parents can also consult with a doctor to consider surgical treatment. Pay attention to a light diet in daily life and consume mainly liquid foods during treatment.