
My child is 4 years old and has a sore throat with severe coughing and a low fever, which seems to be tonsillitis. They also have no appetite. What should I pay attention to in terms of diet? What are the taboos?


When a child has tonsillitis, it is recommended to have a light diet and consume more vegetables and fruits. Eating more vegetables and fruits can help supplement vitamins and trace elements, boost the immune system, and promote recovery from the illness. For instance, pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory effects, so they can be eaten in abundance. In terms of other food choices, it is suggested to provide soft and easily digestible foods, such as well-cooked noodles and congee, which are good options. Also, ensure your child drinks plenty of water. Furthermore, avoid feeding your child stimulating foods like lamb and dog meat, and help them develop good eating habits. Maintain hygiene and health by not being picky or biased in their diet.