A four-year-old boy is experiencing symptoms of coughing, low-grade fever, and a sore throat, and has been diagnosed with tonsillitis. What kind of food should the child be given during the treatment period?
Children are prone to tonsillitis, and once it occurs, it should be checked and treated promptly. For the diet, it is suggested to focus on vegetables and fruits, which are rich in vitamins and trace elements and help improve immunity and reduce inflammation. For example, the vitamin C in tangerine peel has excellent anti-inflammatory effects. Also, easy-to-digest foods such as slightly thickened porridge or soft noodles can be provided. Avoid spicy and irritating foods like spicy hotpot, as well as beef, mutton, and seafood. Diet is very important for the treatment of tonsillitis, so please pay attention to the child’s dietary adjustment.